Art Therapy: Drawing, Painting and Self-Exploration (Part 1) The Healing Process of Art Therapy This online course is self paced and offers you complete flexibility. You’ll find a section on self exploration and healing painful emotions, as well as a section for pure enjoyment and recreation. You’ll also find a section on therapeutic art for family bonding. This is great for better communication and an appreciation for each other, as you learn and create with one another.

Designing Your Life – an exciting, eye-opening, and thoroughly useful inquiry into what it takes to live an extraordinary life, on your own terms. The instructors address what it takes to succeed, to be proud of your life, and to be happy in it. Participants tackle career satisfaction, money, body, vices, and relationship to themselves. They learn how to confront issues in their lives, how to live life, and how to learn from it.

Natural Therapies for Depression and Anxiety by Ross Pelton, The Natural Pharmacist. An in depth look at the causes of depression and anxiety as well as natural therapies for both prevention and treatment. This is a content-heavy class, suitable for healthcare professionals as well as individuals who are serious about finding natural ways to combat depression and anxiety.

PE for ME – Physical Intelligence is the inherent ability of the human organism to function in extraordinary accord with its physical environment. This class–a joint offering from the Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation and Department of Mechanical Engineering uses the MIT gymnastics gym as a laboratory to explore Physical Intelligence as applied to Mechanical Engineering and design.

Sports Management exploring a career in sport and recreation by gaining an understanding of the different job roles within this industry. Pick up leadership and management skills and learn how to manage risks appropriately. You will also learn to plan and deliver a simple sport and recreation session focused on your clients’ needs.

A person with their feet up on top of a wall.