Green painting and remodeling for residential, commercial and industrial properties 732 547 4705

Here is a list of ways that you can green the interiors of your buildings with finishes and surfaces:
1. Use non toxic, recyclable materials.
2. Use surfacing and finish designs such as colors, shapes and textures which are inspired by nature and appropriate for interior applications, which typically means that they should be softer and lighter..
3. Keep the surfaces properly sealed and maintained for healthier, more energy efficient environments.

Here is a list of ways that you can green the exteriors of your buildings:
1. Create finishes and surfaces that are inspired by nature using rock, soil, shell and foliage applications
2. Use nontoxic, preferably natural materials which will have a good longevity.
3. If you’re using conventional surfaces, make certain that their colors and finishes are appropriate to their environments, meaning their breathability, heat deflection, water resistance and their aesthetic values.
A man holding a baseball bat in front of him.