Learn the Art of Networking

Learn The Art of Networking For More Business Success

By G. Wyatt, CEO of Office Plus

Developing the art of networking is a priceless tool, whether you are an entrepreneur or an ex-employee in search of a great job. Certain strategies are key in effective networking to net you more business or land the job of your dreams. Following are the tactics to employ to get you employed or build your client list.

1st Tactic:
Be positive! You’ve heard the phrase, “attitude is everything.†Demonstrate enthusiasm for your company as well as theirs.

Your current emotional state of being unemployed or hungry for more business may range from confusion, depression, anger, frustration, and a lowered sense of self-confidence. These emotions may hinder your options. Take a deep breath, regain focus and carry on. If you’re trying to get more business, show confidence in your ability to deliver quality, desireable products/services.A group of people sitting in chairs with one person standing up.

2nd Tactic:
Get Started. Incorporate networking into your lifestyle. It’s never too late to network. Use every opportunity available to network today to prepare for the future. Developing a diverse base of contacts may give you the edge when you’re looking for that new job or growing your business. Networkers are continually building relationships with people of common and reciprocal interests.

Successful networkers are up front and honest. Networking is not only whom you know but also who they know. You should attempt to extend and refresh your network every time you talk to someone. Begin to create an inner circle. Talk with friends and family and inform them of the type of job or business you are seeking to find. Your inner circle should include your teachers, (past and present), colleagues and neighbors.
Discuss your situation with anyone you trust and may likely put in a good word for you. Check for network groups and organizations in your area. Many networking organizations hold weekly and/or monthly meetings that are prime networking opportunities.

3rd Tactic:
Do public relations. Be patient and continually touch base with the contacts you have formed. Remember to thank anyone who has taken the time to meet with you. A quick thank you note or email can go a long way. Networking is an ongoing task; maintain your lists of contacts. 4th Tactic: Build alliances and keep them going.

Never quit, and keep tactics number 1, 2, and 3 in your strategy for success!