Academic Earth built a collection of free online college courses from the world’s top universities. Our curated lists of online courses are hand selected by our staff to show you offerings by subject area.

Critical Issues in Urban Education Debate the polarized issues of education reform with experts from the field, and learn about the history of American public schooling. Understand how the unique contextual elements of the American approach has led to divergent views on how best to organize and improve schools. Analyze the divergent viewpoints about school reform policy, the evidence around them, and their influence on policy and practice in the field of education. Free

Design Thinking for Leading and Learning A hands-on course for education leaders to learn about design thinking and explore how it can transform classroom learning and school communities. The course combines design thinking content with real-world education examples, and opportunities to apply concepts in your own setting: This course has been funded by Microsoft and is part of their K-12 Education Leadership initiative. FREE to All.!

Early Childhood Education by Caitlin O’Connell and Helen L awrence – Examine the world of children from 0 to 5 years. Explore how they develop and learn in this critical stage.Topics include: importance of play in child development and learning, the concepts of attachment and reciprocity, and their importance in early childhood education, why taking risks is to children’s learning and development, positive forms of behavior guidance, especially for toddlers, and more.

Ed Tech XSeries allows students to explore educational technology and game design. The first two courses provide students with a foundation in educational theory and principles of game design. In the next course, students reflect on the game development process and consider how people learn from games. They apply this knowledge and understanding by creating an educational game. Final course explores the implementation and evaluation of educational technology in the classroom.

Education in a Changing World by Dr. Ross Boyd – Explore education as a social institution that’s shaped by and part of shaping a constantly changing world. We will look at how the aims of Education have changed over time, and major positions in debates including: Securing social integration, Providing a skilled workforce, Promoting freedom, Redressing social inequalities.

English Grammar and Style – Learn key concepts and strategies in grammar and style to help enhance your writing and confidently respond to the demand of high levels of literacy in the 21st century. Marvelous resources for your guidance. Video clips of interviews conducted with distinguished grammarians, challenge you with quizzes and writing activities that will give you strategies to help build skills that will enhance the quality of your writing. FREE!

Improvement Science in Education Learn how to apply principles and practices of improvement science to improve educational practice, raise student performance, and reduce achievement gaps. improvement science moves educational innovation out of the realm of “fad†and into the realm of research-based, evidence-driven continuous improvement. Developed in collaboration with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. FREE.!

Leadership Academy Leadership Series: Team Building, Personal Appearance, Conflict Resolution, Self Discovery. Healthy Living Series: Substance Abuse Prevention, Personal Relationships, STD Awareness, Healthy Habits. Call 212.528.7350

​Master of Arts in Education: Educational Leadership Designed to enhance the competencies, knowledge and skills of educational leaders in the areas of school leadership and administration as well as design, implementation, practice and assessment of instructional programs. Call 1-877-236-4723

​Seton Hall University’s online campus, SetonWorldWide, offers online masters degree programs in counseling, communications and leadership, health care administration, and more.
Call 1-888-738-6699

A graduation cap and diploma on top of some books.