Accounting and Cash Flow
Before you start your business, learn how to keep score (basic accounting), and to maintain cash in your bank account (cash flow control). This session explains both in simple terms. Also, learn how to hire an accountant before you start. Offered FREE through Santa Clara University and MyOwn Business site. http://bit.ly/2lqru1Y
Bergen Community College offers career and transfer programs in Accounting, Business Administration and Business Technology, Marketing, Management, Hotel/Restaurant Management, and much more. Flexible day/evening/online classes.
201-447-7100 www.bergen.edu
Creating a Profit & Loss Statement, a Free Online Accounting Program: The Kutztown University of Pennsylvania’s Small Business Development Center offers more than 80 free business online learning. Kutztown’s courses are individualized and self-paced. Many of the courses feature high-end graphics, interactive case studies and audio streams. kutztownsbdc.org/course
The National Tax Training School offers accredited, proven, home-study courses in tax preparation. Ideal steady-income career. Learn at your own pace with professional instructor guidance.
Call 1-800-914-8138 www.nattax.com